By Jeremy Jagosz (who has done the official Atomic Highway sheet plus some cool fan sheets for other games). If you see anything that you think should be changed, let me know, because otherwise I'll be printing up over 6000 of these at the end of the week... (click to enlarge, and I'll make bigger/higher resolution sheets available for download as soon as we've made sure no mistakes are present).

Love the dice pips and as always, huge fan of the encumbrance approach.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd end up tallying my hit points down the right margin.
Might make the pips bigger.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Roger on the dice pips...inspired idea.
ReplyDeleteLove that encumbrance system! And yeah, dice pips are a great idea, though I'm curious how easy they are to read in the heat of the moment.
ReplyDeleteOh man, those pips are the coolest thing I've seen since I broke down and bought TSR's 1e character sheets around 1980... I've been following your creation process over the last year and must say that you are doing it right. You aren't making a retro-clone, you are creating something that goes beyond and inspires!!!
ReplyDeleteKudos and a +6 on your success roll!
Count me among the pip-lovers.
ReplyDeleteI think there might be a typo in "Daily Travel Distance" ... but it's hard to make out on my screen.
I note for the record that the pip thing was all Jeremy's idea.
ReplyDeleteWe've caught a typo in the Constitution space... be on the lookout in case there are any more!
ReplyDeleteUnder the Magic save it should be "Innate".
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for the pips.
Abstract simplified encumbrance is excellent, as are the pips (but you know that by now). I think the use of simple geometric shapes not only creates a striking and easily navigable design, it also echoes the shapes of the faces of dice, which is nice.
ReplyDeletewhy list "unknown languages"?
ReplyDeleteI like that there is summary of encumbrance rules on the sheet itself. Rules are simply elegant too. In games I have used encumbrance rules it's the single one issue that slows the game down.
ReplyDelete>>why list "unknown languages"?
ReplyDeleteGood catch, even though I think you meant something else. :)
The language rules do not require characters to declare what languages they know at creation. Instead, whenever a character encounters a new language, they roll their language skill. If successful, they know it, if not, they don't know it, either way it gets recorded.
Although it should be "not known," not "unknown."
I take it magic-users and clerics keep track of spells known and prepared on scratch paper?
ReplyDeleteA magic-user can potentially have hundreds of spells in their spellbooks, so there's no way to do this and have it actually fit, and the majority of characters/classes don't deal with spellcasting anyway.
It might just be my screen, but the boxes around the Ability Scores and Common Activities sections don't seem to line up with one another. That would drive me nuts.
ReplyDeleteThey look sweet overall, though. Well done.
Should you maybe have the dots on the activity-dice already blotted out for those that everyone has? Say, 1/6 Climbing for everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe Hit Points boxes are a bit small for my tastes. Should be 4x that size.
Don't like the triangles for two of the armor classes. I'd replace those with squares or tilted squares.
I'm a bit confused by the "Surprise chance" die which has 4/6 blotted out.
Id like a page wide and maybe 1/8 page height space with lines with the title "notes" on the second page. That's where Id' put spells for a magic user and random notes for other classes. I'd hate having to look up the spells on a different piece of paper. Either that or provide a Grimoire page for free download on your website. Like an optional "page 3" for magic using characters. You could even put all of the spells in the book on that page with check boxes and page reference numbers.
This is one of the best designed character sheets I've ever seen. Add to that the awesome cover art, and you've got a really great looking game here.
ReplyDeleteThe boxes dividing the major sections are problematic. They're so thick they're distracting, and each line needs an inside and outside gutter that chews up page real estate. Have a look at the page without them at all (move them to their own layer and hide the layer) and if the white gutters don't guide the eye sufficiently, try discrete horizontal and vertical rules. The Facebook layout does it well.