Saturday, September 25, 2010

Arty Farty

So who's an artist that hasn't been in one of the LotFP releases that you'd like to see in an upcoming LotFP release?

PS. Don't need to limit this to old-school artists, but keep it realistic... not affording Giger or Vallejo anytime soon...


  1. I've admired Bonner's work for awhile, but I never knew who did it! So thanks for that mention, but honestly the first thing that comes to mind when I see it is "expensive!" heh. We'll see.

    ... and if someone comes up with Trampier contact info, I'll try for it, as it would be an honor to have him hang up on me. :D

  2. Second vote to Petri Hiltunen. He is the old school artist of Finland, from early issues of Magus to ANKH (the local D&D knockoff) and illustrations on modern finnish RPG's to enormous amount of comicbooks he is the definate choise.

  3. Vincent Baker. See for example

  4. Sean Aaberg - weird, fun

    see example -

    his webpage:

  5. Aeron Alfrey is fucking awesome

  6. I'm a fan of William McAusland and Tom Galambos

  7. Lea Sheler who'd be perfect for more fey subjects and earth-bound critters.

    Eva Widerman who is wonderful with faces and expressions and (please don't count this as a mark against her) did some of the best work appearing in the original 4e core books. Be sure to check out her (NSFW) interior illustrations for Feldberichte: Psychonauten.

    Jeremy Mohler has a more modern style, but isn't afraid to draw on the dark side.

    I really think you'd like Malcolm McClinton's more painterly stuff. Check out his title banner piece especially. Feels very Silver Age Dragon cover to me.

    Storn Cook has a more comic-book feel, but then, so did Willingham and Jeff Dee who did some of my favorite work from way back when.

  8. Oops, and almost forgot Ben McSweeney. Seriously, check out this dwarf.

    Beth Trott can be surprisingly subtle and has very clean look I enjoy. Most of her stuff is probably a bit too bright and sweet for you, but just as the best "heavy" actors got their start in comedy, she can convey a wide range of moods with a light touch.

    In your part of the world, I'll be shocked if you hadn't come across Hakan Ackegard, but I don't think he works for pay anymore. :p

    Finally, have you considered the Phoglios? Yeah, I know, their usual style doesn't fit your work, but she did some great cards for Magic back in the day.

    Ok, I think I'm done now. ;p

  9. wow...I had never even heard the whole mysterious disappearance story surrounding Trampier. I had just heard he was deceased. Very strange.

  10. I'll second Russ Nicholson.

  11. I really like Justin Sweet.

    Third vote for Petri Hiltunen.

  12. Russ Nicholson, definitely.

    I'd imagine that he's either under an exclusive contract or too expensive (or both), but John Blanche would be a good fit for the tone of LotFP.

  13. I'd imagine John Blanche is quite expensive. Would be nice, though.

    Some artists working primarily with black metal album covers: Joachim Luetke, Kristian Wåhlin.

  14. Maybe expensive but well worth a try:

    Dan Ouellette

  15. I'll draw you a picture in trade. I illustrated the interior of "My Life with Master" back in the day. And Donjon. Did a couple of things for Burning Wheel, too. Oh, and a Trollbabe comic for Ron Edwards. I think that's the only bit of it that's online still:

    If you're interested, get in touch. If not, no big. I just like your game a lot. I don't really pursue illustration anymore, but it would be cool to participate. :)

  16. Actually, I looked and found this lying around. I think it's pretty "old-school" - It was rejected because of the face on the goblin humanoid, but I think that face is my favorite part:

  17. Dusty Petersen:

