Sunday, December 6, 2009

I Think I've Got the New Project's Name!

The Old Miner's Shame no more!

How does...

The Hammers of the God

strike you guys?


  1. Will they drive our ships to new lands?

  2. Heard that on the radio this morning so I was thinking the same thing. Maybe there are kinetic strikes from orbital weapons platforms?

  3. I say remove the "The".

  4. Certain people better behave or I'll name an adventure Risingmorn.

  5. That will sound much better when shouted dramatically at the beginning of a session. ;) I approve.

  6. Sounds great, but I agree with Zak S, remove the "The".

  7. I think I just heard Robert Plant screaming somewhere around here.
    Sounds awesome, but I'll second Zak, you should remove the "the" or everybody will play Led Zeps song in their minds when they hear the title (wich,in a second though,doesnt sound bad at all...)

  8. I like it a lot as it is, but let me cast yet another vote for removing a the. Although I'm not sure if we're all talking about the same the. I mean get rid of the second one, so it's "The Hammers of God." Two possible problems with that are that 1) Monotheists may automatically assume you're talking about _their_ god and 2) The title is even more nearly identical to Arthur C. Clarke's _The Hammer of God_. Anyway, any of the four (THotG, HotG, HoG, THoG) would make a great title, one that's much better and more evocative of intense imagery than is "The Old Miner's Shame."

  9. How does "Wrath, Anvil, Pride" sound? No? Alright, I'll take it.

    Another vote for the removal of one 'the'

  10. All permutations sounds like sf novels I've read or heard of but not yet read. I'm not sure that's a bad thing, though.

    Like sleepy I wonder which "the" everyone is hollering about, since there are two.

  11. Removing the first the is no problem.

    Removing the second the would be a problem. The very premise of the adventure (not to mention standard campaign procedure almost across the board) addresses their being multiple deities involved, so "Hammers of God" seems misleading.

    But we are talking two literal hammers, not metaphorical ones. Dwarfs, after all.

  12. I meant the first "the". so "Hammers of The God"

  13. Why is it always a hammer? Doesn't the God have a circular saw or a corner grinder?

  14. It strikes me as title that would be good name for a metal album.
