Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who's Answering Your Questions? I Am!

This was someone else's idea. I'm blameless.


  1. Congratulations. This is only the third video blog thing that I've actually watched from start to finish (the previous two being Grubman reviews). Look forward to the next installment!

  2. I now know how to pronounce your surname.

  3. I'm no friggin' youtube expert or anything, but I agree with you about the camera placement thing and I thought you did a good job. The biographical bits were a bit rambly, but it's not like you're going to do that every damn time.

    1. your posts are always most appreciated as well.

      - that is all.
      ( 4 now. )

  4. Good 4 you. YOU RUL,....ICELAND !

    heh -

    from TEXAS
    re manns

  5. p.s. - adding this to "HackMonsteRPG Dth&Destruction!"

    . . . unless you object,.....uhm, which case I will make it "go away",...if you desire, but I treally would rather not,.....because , uhm, "I AM old",....and a fan,. . . .

    anyway -


  6. I just want to know where you get a tshirt.

  7. This is a great idea, and one not often seen from any game publisher, old school or otherwise.

    I agree with the comments about making that tshirt available, again or even a new model.

  8. There will be at least one new T-shirt this year.

  9. On the one hand, its the only ramble-about-nerd-games video I've ever been able to finish, so that's pretty good. On the other hand, in the course of 11 minutes you answered one question! Time is money my friend!

  10. It's actually really cool to see the man behind the text. I hope you'll get more comfortable with it as you keep doing it. Also: "I may be boring but I'm at least going to at least *attempt* not to be," should be printed on every DM screen ever. Looking forward to more of this.

  11. Looking good as always. :)

    Interesting new idea. I have also so far seen few video blogs that actually are fun to watch. Brave attempt! Kind of fun to hear the flame princess story.

  12. Of course people want the t-shirt. It's being worn by the official spokes-model of the OSR. ;)

  13. The T-shirt is cool and the video-cast was actually watchable (and kept me interested). Looking forward to #2.
