Thursday, June 2, 2011

LotFP Featured on Something Awful's WTF D&D!?

I just got the Google Alert. Haven't looked yet.

The link is here. Let's see how they slaughter me together, shall we?


  1. Congrats, dude! This is pretty funny stuff and a huge boost for you.

    "Cast intestines to snakes and turn their guts into cobras." I may have to use that.

  2. The worst thing they said:

    " Falling somewhere between 2nd Edition AD&D and 3rd Edition D&D..."

    The horror! The horror!

  3. "I hope this doesn't start a trend of people sending in their creepy RPG supplements."

    Quick, someone send them a copy of Carcosa!

  4. Looks like they used just about all your artwork. I hope they had permission.

  5. "Quick, someone send them a copy of Carcosa!"

    NO! DON'T! Let Jim send them the LotFP version!

  6. "you can't unsee it" I would consider this a very positive review!

  7. "Reflex save or raise a baby."

    I LOL'ed.

  8. Looks like a pretty good ad piece to me.

  9. This is fantastic and pleases me to no end. Congratulations on being made fun of!

  10. Yeah, he's one of my favorite old school artists along with Jeff Dea.

  11. Now what kind of book would an intestinal snake be? Maybe depends on the class of the victim?

  12. What Knightsky and Ed said: Send them a copy of Carcosa as soon as it's off the presses!

    Seriously, they loved LotFP. They'll love Carcosa too.

  13. I sent the following email to Zack Parsons...

    WTF, D&D!? Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Grindhouse Edition

    Hilarious stuff, except this...

    "Falling somewhere between 2nd Edition AD&D and 3rd Edition D&D..."

    ...which makes you look like an idiot because LotFP is actually most similar to "Original" and "Basic" D&D, from the 1970s, not any version of AD&D, especially not 2nd Edition, nor any WotC version of D&D.

    So, if you still can edit your stuff even after it's already been posted, you might want to do that.

    ...and he changed it to "Based on retro D&D..."!

  14. This is great, I love the "Dwarf Recruiting Poster".

    Surprised they didn't mention the sweet halfling picture.

  15. My favorite line: "Warning, if you mess up in life, make the wrong choices, you will be an elf."
