Lots of good stuff getting done for the Kickstarter. We're going to print at least some copies of the Better Than Any Man adventure, but we're still $6000 from doing the 9000 copies to go out free to the game stores.
Just $15 gets you, in PDF:
- PDFs of Geoffrey McKinney's Dungeon of the Unknown
- Zzarchov Kowolski's Lamentations of the Gingerbread Princess
- My own Tower of the Navelgazer
- My Another Shitty Adventure
- The Random Esoteric Creature Generator (both my original and Goodman Games' versions!)
- Robert "Thorkhammer" Pinnell's Daughters of the Deep
- A short PDF of monsters and an essay I did for the This Just In From GenCon podcast crowdfunding effort last year.
That's a deal and a frickin' half, if you ask me. Plus there are seven more levels of rewards (the $25 level gets you all that, a couple more PDFs, plus a few print items), plus a ton of extra stuff you can add to any level.
And while a couple of people donated their PDFs to the cause to be nice/drum up awareness for their other efforts, most of the 3rd party publishers involved in the rewards get a royalty so you're putting some money in their pockets as well.
And some of the promised completed art from the Kickstarter projects: